Don Pathan on Insurgency in Southern Thailand

SEAN-CSO Project Officer, Don Pathan, was recently interviewed by #extremelives regarding the historical and current insurgency in Southern Thailand.

For years, Don Pathan has travelled to some of the world’s most dangerous places, from the insurgency in Aceh Indonesia, to Thailand’s Southern provinces, and to the front-lines of the fight against the Taliban in northern Afghanistan. His mission: to find out what pushes ordinary people to become armed fighters, extremists, and terrorists.

By following and listening to the stories of armed fighters, Don’s work has shed much-needed light on Thailand’s forgotten southern insurgency. He is a widely published author, and well-known adviser on security and diplomacy in Southeast Asia. Don also spent time in the conflict-affected Golden Triangle at the borderlands of Myanmar and Thailand, studying the drug trade of the United Wa State Army.

As a life-long peace-building activist, Don is one of the founding members of the Patani Forum, a civil society organisation dedicated to opening dialogue and ending the decades of violence in Southern Thailand.

Watch the video here.
