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Preventing Polarisation and Building Resilience by Creating a Shared Identity: Dos and Don’ts

Preventing Polarisation and Building Resilience by Creating a Shared Identity: Dos and Don’ts

It’s difficult to find common ground among city residents and different communities on a local level in a fast-paced, increasingly complex, and polarized world. It can help to develop a ‘collective’ or ‘shared’ identity for all individuals in order to develop a stronger identification and sense of belonging with a city or community.

In order to develop a stronger identification and sense of belonging with a city or community for all individuals, it can help to create a ‘collective’ or ‘shared’ identity. This paper focuses on the outcomes of the joint RAN FC&S meeting (with RAN LOCAL, RAN C&N and RAN Y&E) on this topic.

This paper is intended for all individuals who, through their strategy or campaign, want to create or strengthen a shared identity, such as local coordinators, community representatives, communication experts, and teachers. A list of existing examples is available on the last page of this paper for additional inspiration.

Library Type
  • Toolkit & Modules
Identity, Polarisation, Resilience
