Challenging Hateful Extremism

Challenging Hateful Extremism

Hateful extremism jeopardizes our ability to coexist peacefully. From inciting violence to actively inciting hatred and antagonism toward individuals deemed to be a danger to their worldview, violent extremists are wreaking havoc on victims and jeopardizing our country’s social fabric.

Extremism necessitates a swift and decisive response. Our country has a powerful and successful response to violent extremism and terrorism. However, violent extremism necessitates an approach distinct from hateful extremism. Our findings demonstrate that we now have a big gap in our response to hateful extremism.

Our ability to confront extremism outside of terrorism has been hampered by a lack of consensus regarding what constitutes extremism, how our response should appear, and the role of government and civil society.

Library Type
  • Policies
  • Reports & Studies
  • Toolkit & Modules
Hateful Extremism, Islamophobia;, PCVE, Pluralism, United Kingdom, Violent Extremism
