Empathy-building as Violence Prevention

SEAN-CSO Webinar
Empathy-building as Violence Prevention

Is there any alternative to prevent violent extremism other than the lens of hard security?

Violent extremism has always been looked at from the lens of hard security, and the softer approach would be PCVE such as community building. There could be another way of preventing it: building empathy in all communities.

Let’s hear what our experts have in mind regarding the issue and tell your thoughts.

Save the date!
Wednesday, July 6th 2022 
03:00 PM (Jakarta Time) or 04:00 PM (Kuala Lumpur Time) or 06:00 PM (Melbourne Time)

Please register for the Zoom link. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Event Start
06 Jul 2022
Event Finish
21 Jul 2022