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[Newsletter] May 2021:

Motives and Behaviours of Violent Extremist Groups (Part 2)
[Newsletter] May 2021:

Throughout the month of May, SEAN-CSO’s campaign continued to focus on the theme of Motives and Behaviours of Violent Extremist Groups. In the words of the United Nations Development Programme, “violent extremism is fueled in large part by exclusion, lack of opportunity, human rights abuses, grievances, and lack of confidence in state authorities, including security forces.” This month we researched and examined such factors and their impact on the ways in which extremist ideologies take root in different Southeast Asian countries.

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SEAN-CSO provides a platform for civil society organisations in Southeast Asia to network and share resources. Through this network, members can support each other, share knowledge, and coordinate efforts to address the region’s social challenges. In doing so, SEAN-CSO contributes to strengthening the voice of civil society at both regional and international levels.

[SEAN CSO] Newsletter-May-2021
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