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[Newsletter] July 2020

Prevention of Violent Extremism and Online Space
[Newsletter] July 2020

Online space has been an essential platform for preventing violent extremism, but it has become even more crucial in light of Covid-19 living conditions. Violent extremist groups have used online narratives to paint a picture of their beliefs and organizations as the best option, and through their efforts have successfully contacted many people. P/CVE organizations have sought to counter this through education, the promotion of digital literacy and counter-narratives. However, P/CVE efforts can’t just stop online, they also must move into the community to make one-on-one connections with individuals. We are encouraged to see many members of SEAN-CSO taking part in both online and offline P/CVE efforts, and have compiled this Newsletter to update you with more information on this topic.

PVE and Online Space - SEAN-CSO Newsletter July 2020
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